You know, before I came here, I felt like I was so good at certain things. I felt like I could overtake a lot of things. Wow, what a big slap in the face. Apparently, I'm really not good at anything that I used to be good at. Academically. How much more discouraged can a person get? How many times do I have to fail for me to think "Wow, I suck" because it's happening right now. I used to think that things were my specialty. But how in the world can I fail so hard right now? I feel like the biggest failure right now. I feel like I can never get what I want no matter how hard I try. How can I be shot down so hard and so often? Who is out to get me right now? How much do I have to cry to realize that I'm not what I think I am? Who am I kidding? I'm just failing so much right now. I don't know what to do anymore. I've never felt so lost before. I've never felt so misguided by so many things. Where is the road? Where is the track? I feel like I'm walking an open field. Walking into an ocean thinking I could swim when in reality, I suck at it. Time to rethink about my life. Time to rethink about school. Time to rethink about my goals. Time to rethink about everything that I've ever wanted & dreamed...and time to think realistically. I need to stop kidding myself.
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
"Improvisations are what make life interesting..."
Desire. It's interesting to think about how much a person could WANT something so badly. See for me, when I want something, I make it a point to get it no matter what. However, what does a person do when that desire slowly starts to deteriorate? What does a person do when that fire slowly starts to become discouraged no matter how much you put into it? What a conflict, right? What can you do when that happens? Well, it's hard to keep spirits up. It's hard to hold your head up saying to yourself, "I can do this." What else is there for you when your desire, your goal, becomes a dream deferred?
Lately, this has been me. My hopes and dreams of something I've wanted so badly has slowly started to discourage me and obstacles slowly start to become harder in which I end up finding myself standing there thinking, "what am I going to do now?" and "what else is out there for me?" How hard it hurts to think that you are giving up on yourself. Maybe you're not giving up on yourself, but it's like all the world is giving up on you. What are your second options? What's your plan? What to do now?
See, I admire those people who can "ride the wave" and see where life takes them. They're happy. They just live life. But how can one live like that knowing that the world is coming down on them. Okay not literally, but economically? With the economy falling, people end up letting go of what they want, and becoming what they HAVE to be. All dreams, desires, goals slowly die out. It hurts. It hurts to know that I might not get to do what I want. It hurts to think that I might not get to be what I want. Worry. Worry is the best word to describe it. Sure, it's not a good thing to be, worried. But the thing is, worry makes me go back and focus back on God. Worry makes think ahead & plan ahead. Sure, it's stressful. But that's what happens to me.
Don't you hate when you have to plan out a whole day, hour by hour? Sigh. That's my life. I feel like there's no room for improvise. Improvisations are what make life interesting. It's where you learn about your life and how to deal with certain things. When you're too busy trying to fulfill those desires, how can you grow into a HUMAN BEING? There's no room for life. Sigh. It's a tough life out there, isn't it?
So what do we do now? Well, as the saying goes "Let go and Let God". We just have to keep ourselves knowing that our lives are in God's hands. He has our lives planned out and we just have to be who we are. Making rash decisions without consulting God first is like walking into an ocean not knowing how to swim. I guess I just have to keep my head up. Life is going to change. Maybe not the way we want it to or aiming to, but our lives are in good hands. We should make time for life to happen. We need to be a human being. We need to be alive. No more dead zombie (if you know about me, I got scared actually just writing that word. HAHAHA) schedules. & most importantly...
Smile. I promise, it makes life that much more bearable. Because when you think about it...we have it better than those out there.
(How ironic how the song playing as I end this blog is Let It Go - Gavin Degraw. Look it up. Hahahah.)
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
Lately, this has been me. My hopes and dreams of something I've wanted so badly has slowly started to discourage me and obstacles slowly start to become harder in which I end up finding myself standing there thinking, "what am I going to do now?" and "what else is out there for me?" How hard it hurts to think that you are giving up on yourself. Maybe you're not giving up on yourself, but it's like all the world is giving up on you. What are your second options? What's your plan? What to do now?
Don't you hate when you have to plan out a whole day, hour by hour? Sigh. That's my life. I feel like there's no room for improvise. Improvisations are what make life interesting. It's where you learn about your life and how to deal with certain things. When you're too busy trying to fulfill those desires, how can you grow into a HUMAN BEING? There's no room for life. Sigh. It's a tough life out there, isn't it?
(How ironic how the song playing as I end this blog is Let It Go - Gavin Degraw. Look it up. Hahahah.)
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
Take that, rewind it back. Lil' Jon got the beat to make your booty go....
I am happy. [:
I am happy. [:
"On the real...say FML again, and I will FYL."
Life is too wonderful to sit and complain about. Life is too short to only look at things that aren't going your way. I don't think people understand to the amount of how much your life is worth to others. Sure, it's my life you may think. But maybe that's what's wrong with everyone nowadays. Only thinking about yourselves.
My freshman year of college, I did a study about our generation of people. We're called the "Y Generation" Why you ask? Well, it's because we base everything on ourselves. Why do you go to school? Because YOU want to be successful in life. The internet holds profile pages called MYspace & FACEbook. Put it together, you get pretty much what the internet is about: MY FACE. We always want something for ourselves. Sure, I'm generalizing pretty harshly but honestly, tell me I'm wrong if I am. Because right now, I'm pretty sure I'm right. How would you answer that question if you didn't want to base it off yourself you ask? Well. "I go to school because I want to contribute to making the world a better place for everyone else. I want to help people." Ahh...the communitive answer.
Thing is. Why are people so unhappy with their lives? Sure, it's understandable when things really do happen that is out of our control & I respect that. But when little things happen, we just feel like the world is gonna die & things aren't going our way. Man. Sure, I admit myself to being like that. I'm human too. But who are you to hold a grudge to your entire day to mess up the entire week. Or even, other people's days? Now, you're just a bully....bully. But being unhappy about something in your life is different than being unhappy WITH your life. You can control your life. You know that right? Oh, you do? Just checking. Unhappy with your life? Fix it. Moping about something doesn't do ANYONE good. (Oh believe me, I'm actually giving myself advice right now too. HAHA) OH and don't go around cursing everything about your life. Speaking of cursing...
The excessive use of FML is just ridiculous. Sure it's a saying, but to really say "F*** my life". It's like saying you hate your life from something so minute or maybe something so major. But is it really necessary to say it? Some people WISHED they had the life that you lived. How selfish can we be to say F*** MY life. I think people need to realize that life is not about you. It's not about how everyone is out to get you because honestly, people don't care. Well they do to an extent of care. But it becomes ABSOLUTELY ridiculously when you say to just F*** your life. You crazy. I bet your life is awesome, but for some spilled spaghetti on that white vneck shirt before going to your class with that cute person of the opposite sex that you're trying to impress. Oh FML. Or you're so sad because a boy doesn't like you or notice you for all the hints on your wall posts/comments. Oh FML. Or you're so upset because you forgot your password to your self-idolized webpages. Oh FML. On the real...say FML again, and I will FYL. It's getting to the point where it's ridiculous because now, you're making your perfectly good life a worthless piece of shiiiii.......crap.
So for those of you who now realize that your life is actually a whole lot better than those who can't even AFFORD to have a horrible life, they just HAVE one because of things they cannot control within their lives, I hope you realize that saying FML or ranting on the internet about your life so other people can read it & ask you "Oh! Tell me what happened!" (which, I'm not gonna lie, I'm guilty of doing at one point of my life) is, well...let's put it this way. I don't care? I don't know. Maybe others do, but speaking for those who honestly just don't care about your FML'd life that in reality is great, we don't exactly give that kind of sympathy. That's what you wanted right? Too bad. Besides, you think that the people of the Philippines who were hit by Typhoon Ondoy said "Oh crap. A typhoon hit us. FML." I'm pretty sure they didn't.
No wonder why teen suicide is higher than usual in our generation than any other generation combined since the Baby Boomer era.
The use of FML or any self-idolized website have actually caused a huge rise in teen suicides because of self-confidence. Sure you may think it sounds stupid & irrational. But infact, it's true. There's other more important things in life than to think about yourself. Those whose life is great except for that one small factor (broken heart from a breakup, lack of friends on Facebook/Myspace, no views on Blogspot) you need to realize that life is WAY too amazing to be thinking of things like that. Let me tell you now, our generation is so selfish that we want to end our lives because something wasn't going our way. News flash: It's not about you. So, maybe if you do something about your life, if you change it to make your life better & EVENTUALLY WORK on your own life, you'll find happiness.
In the meantime, shut up with the use of FML & maybe you'll see that your life is actually great & you'll eventually start saying MLIG.
Peace & love.
Btw: Check this out. Specific about what I was just talking about. HAHA. Although, it made me laugh. [:
--Danielle Delos Reyes
My freshman year of college, I did a study about our generation of people. We're called the "Y Generation" Why you ask? Well, it's because we base everything on ourselves. Why do you go to school? Because YOU want to be successful in life. The internet holds profile pages called MYspace & FACEbook. Put it together, you get pretty much what the internet is about: MY FACE. We always want something for ourselves. Sure, I'm generalizing pretty harshly but honestly, tell me I'm wrong if I am. Because right now, I'm pretty sure I'm right. How would you answer that question if you didn't want to base it off yourself you ask? Well. "I go to school because I want to contribute to making the world a better place for everyone else. I want to help people." Ahh...the communitive answer.
Thing is. Why are people so unhappy with their lives? Sure, it's understandable when things really do happen that is out of our control & I respect that. But when little things happen, we just feel like the world is gonna die & things aren't going our way. Man. Sure, I admit myself to being like that. I'm human too. But who are you to hold a grudge to your entire day to mess up the entire week. Or even, other people's days? Now, you're just a bully....bully. But being unhappy about something in your life is different than being unhappy WITH your life. You can control your life. You know that right? Oh, you do? Just checking. Unhappy with your life? Fix it. Moping about something doesn't do ANYONE good. (Oh believe me, I'm actually giving myself advice right now too. HAHA) OH and don't go around cursing everything about your life. Speaking of cursing...
No wonder why teen suicide is higher than usual in our generation than any other generation combined since the Baby Boomer era.
Peace & love.
Btw: Check this out. Specific about what I was just talking about. HAHA. Although, it made me laugh. [:
--Danielle Delos Reyes
Just shut up!
Quit your whining complaining self. Get over holding grudges. I've had just about enough of it. Get over yourself. & Don't try to make it seem like everything is aiming at you because the world does not revolve around your orbit. I'm thoroughly and ridiculously disappointed in you.
Quit your whining complaining self. Get over holding grudges. I've had just about enough of it. Get over yourself. & Don't try to make it seem like everything is aiming at you because the world does not revolve around your orbit. I'm thoroughly and ridiculously disappointed in you.
"But do we want the other person to be happy?"
Have you ever felt that you just wanted to just be with a person for a long period of time? Ever felt like, you really just want to be around a person and no one else? Ever feel like, you don't exactly want to share someone with anyone else? I've had that feeling. For me, it's a very hard feeling. It's something I personally don't like. I feel very...selfish.
You know, when we care about someone or like someone, all we want to do is be around them and talk to them. We just want to be with them. Not in the romantic sense, well maybe so, but in the sense that they make us happy. So why wouldn't we want to be with them? We want to be happy. But does that constitute the best interest for your relationship? Not so much. But do we want the other person to be happy?
Missing them, thinking of them, wanting to be with them, wanting to see them isn't a selfish idea at all. In fact, it's a very caring idea. Nothing wrong with that. But when you don't want them to do anything else BUT miss only YOU, think of only YOU, want to be with only YOU, want to see only YOU becomes the selfish idea. How is a person going to build a relationship on solely each other? How are you going to be able to have people look at your relationship from an outside perspective if you don't allow yourselves to have a third observing party? I think every relationship needs someone to look out for it. If you're gonna be selfish and want to keep that person all to yourself, how are you going to get that third party observer?
As much as you want to really care about someone & be around that someone all the time, to be selfish and keep them only to yourself and then be upset about the fact that they also have a life is not healthy. It's not a healthy way to start or continue a relationship. So ask yourself, is your relationship with a certain person based on selfish thoughts? Or do you allow each other to learn and grow from other people who help make the relationship a bit more interesting? I'm not trying to say what selfish is per se, but it's more of a question to ask yourself. Are you being selfish? Do you get upset when that certain person is busy for a good reason? Do you find yourself only wanting that person to spend time with you? Those are questions you should ask yourself when defining a relationship. It's the definition of what your relationship is built on.
However, there are situations in which someone may be selfish in a way that's uncaring. For example, not considering another person's feelings or even caring about what they think about spending time with them to do your own thing. Or not allowing yourself to spend time with that person because of your own desire or want. See, the defining point in which selfishness is applicable is based on how the relationship is between two people. If you two have mutual feelings, then each relationship should be agreed upon 50-50. If you like the person, then being selfish in only wanting that person to spend time with you isn't healthy. It may vary amongst people, but I really believe and truly think that each relationship should not be based on selfish feelings at all. Regardless of how you feel about someone. You can't keep someone all to yourself and neither can you keep someone who likes you waiting when you don't feel the same. Two different kinds of selfishness, same aspect of hurt.
Overall, I think each person needs to evaluate where you stand on selfishness for your relationship. Consider the other person's feelings. That's the focus and that's the solution. If each person considered the other half of a relationship, there would be more smiles between couples. Don't you agree?
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
You know, when we care about someone or like someone, all we want to do is be around them and talk to them. We just want to be with them. Not in the romantic sense, well maybe so, but in the sense that they make us happy. So why wouldn't we want to be with them? We want to be happy. But does that constitute the best interest for your relationship? Not so much. But do we want the other person to be happy?
Missing them, thinking of them, wanting to be with them, wanting to see them isn't a selfish idea at all. In fact, it's a very caring idea. Nothing wrong with that. But when you don't want them to do anything else BUT miss only YOU, think of only YOU, want to be with only YOU, want to see only YOU becomes the selfish idea. How is a person going to build a relationship on solely each other? How are you going to be able to have people look at your relationship from an outside perspective if you don't allow yourselves to have a third observing party? I think every relationship needs someone to look out for it. If you're gonna be selfish and want to keep that person all to yourself, how are you going to get that third party observer?
As much as you want to really care about someone & be around that someone all the time, to be selfish and keep them only to yourself and then be upset about the fact that they also have a life is not healthy. It's not a healthy way to start or continue a relationship. So ask yourself, is your relationship with a certain person based on selfish thoughts? Or do you allow each other to learn and grow from other people who help make the relationship a bit more interesting? I'm not trying to say what selfish is per se, but it's more of a question to ask yourself. Are you being selfish? Do you get upset when that certain person is busy for a good reason? Do you find yourself only wanting that person to spend time with you? Those are questions you should ask yourself when defining a relationship. It's the definition of what your relationship is built on.
However, there are situations in which someone may be selfish in a way that's uncaring. For example, not considering another person's feelings or even caring about what they think about spending time with them to do your own thing. Or not allowing yourself to spend time with that person because of your own desire or want. See, the defining point in which selfishness is applicable is based on how the relationship is between two people. If you two have mutual feelings, then each relationship should be agreed upon 50-50. If you like the person, then being selfish in only wanting that person to spend time with you isn't healthy. It may vary amongst people, but I really believe and truly think that each relationship should not be based on selfish feelings at all. Regardless of how you feel about someone. You can't keep someone all to yourself and neither can you keep someone who likes you waiting when you don't feel the same. Two different kinds of selfishness, same aspect of hurt.
Overall, I think each person needs to evaluate where you stand on selfishness for your relationship. Consider the other person's feelings. That's the focus and that's the solution. If each person considered the other half of a relationship, there would be more smiles between couples. Don't you agree?
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
"But you're time isn't up..."
You know, it's funny. When you go onto other people's Facebooks or Myspace (not like I go there anymore) or Twitter. You realize that you kinda miss them. Or you realize that you're glad you don't talk to them anymore. It's interesting how the human mind chooses to keep who they want within it's memories and daily thoughts. Unless you stumble upon these people and you try to remember what happened between you and this person (or you're screaming and jumping up and down for joy because you and this person are so far apart now). Either way, you're still thinking about the person you look up. For some strange reason, I stumbled upon some old old, OLD exes within my past. Just say, an interesting thought came across my mind.
How often do you think about a guy/girl you once were with and realize that you miss that person? Not often? Often? NEVER?! Well you know, I wouldn't say I would never miss that person again (with an honest exception of one) but I wouldn't say I did miss them to the point where I'd want them back. I miss them because there was a change in me when I was with them. There was a change where I was happy and they brought out my happiness. In a romantic sense? Nahh..but in the most beautiful sense that I could've ever wanted: A friend. They were my boy-FRIENDs. They were people who have hurt me, yes. They were people that I have hurt, even so. However, regardless of what they've done to me or I've done to them, they were always, my friend at one point or another. I do want to know what's new with them. I do want to hear about their lives nowadays, even though it may hurt me. Why? Because I'm a friend. I am THEIR friend. I am a person, who hates losing friends.
So as you look back on those pictures of them and their new girlfriend/boyfriend or their status says their with someone new, how do you react to this? Jealous, angry, pitiful? Or are you happy, excited, joyful because they're happy? Sometimes, when we feel jealous, it's because we are not happy and we are not being a FRIEND to this person. It's understandable to feel upset because you want this person back, but how much anger can a person have towards someone who is happy? Sure it may be unfair to you, but you're time isn't up. You'll forever be happy one day too. Maybe, you're even happy now. But on the real, as hard as it is, be happy for them. They made you happy & you know what they're capable of doing to bring happiness to someone else. I'm not saying that I do feel jealous, but I'm not saying I don't. The feeling I have is friendly, let's not forget. Hahaha. Not all entirely a romantic sense.
How many times can you say that you've looked through your old exes and realized that you miss them? I say that somewhat often to some of them. These exes all had a part of my life that they grew from. Both of us grew from each other and when you see them now, you realize you had a part in their life which now is apparent in their new girlfriend/boyfriend. How cool right? Never be bitter about an old flame. Why? Because you will always be part of their lives no matter what. You have put some type of seed within them to where they will always have a part of you in them. If you don't want that to happen because they're such douchebags? Well, maybe that good part of you that you left will change him/her for the better. All I can say now is, they were your boy/girl-FRIENDS. Let's not forget how big of a change they put in us. For the better. Because if it weren't for them, would we be who we are today? Didn't think so.
--Danielle Delos Reyes
How often do you think about a guy/girl you once were with and realize that you miss that person? Not often? Often? NEVER?! Well you know, I wouldn't say I would never miss that person again (with an honest exception of one) but I wouldn't say I did miss them to the point where I'd want them back. I miss them because there was a change in me when I was with them. There was a change where I was happy and they brought out my happiness. In a romantic sense? Nahh..but in the most beautiful sense that I could've ever wanted: A friend. They were my boy-FRIENDs. They were people who have hurt me, yes. They were people that I have hurt, even so. However, regardless of what they've done to me or I've done to them, they were always, my friend at one point or another. I do want to know what's new with them. I do want to hear about their lives nowadays, even though it may hurt me. Why? Because I'm a friend. I am THEIR friend. I am a person, who hates losing friends.
So as you look back on those pictures of them and their new girlfriend/boyfriend or their status says their with someone new, how do you react to this? Jealous, angry, pitiful? Or are you happy, excited, joyful because they're happy? Sometimes, when we feel jealous, it's because we are not happy and we are not being a FRIEND to this person. It's understandable to feel upset because you want this person back, but how much anger can a person have towards someone who is happy? Sure it may be unfair to you, but you're time isn't up. You'll forever be happy one day too. Maybe, you're even happy now. But on the real, as hard as it is, be happy for them. They made you happy & you know what they're capable of doing to bring happiness to someone else. I'm not saying that I do feel jealous, but I'm not saying I don't. The feeling I have is friendly, let's not forget. Hahaha. Not all entirely a romantic sense.
How many times can you say that you've looked through your old exes and realized that you miss them? I say that somewhat often to some of them. These exes all had a part of my life that they grew from. Both of us grew from each other and when you see them now, you realize you had a part in their life which now is apparent in their new girlfriend/boyfriend. How cool right? Never be bitter about an old flame. Why? Because you will always be part of their lives no matter what. You have put some type of seed within them to where they will always have a part of you in them. If you don't want that to happen because they're such douchebags? Well, maybe that good part of you that you left will change him/her for the better. All I can say now is, they were your boy/girl-FRIENDS. Let's not forget how big of a change they put in us. For the better. Because if it weren't for them, would we be who we are today? Didn't think so.
--Danielle Delos Reyes
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