Alright, so I'm extremely tired. Tinikling practice, today's biology lab, the entire day. Tiring. And not just physically tiring, EMOTIONALLY tiring. See, today, I got accused of plagiarism. Do you know how big of a deal that is here at my school? They don't play. Thing is though, I DIDN'T PLAGIARIZE. I don't do that kind of crap and I don't cheat. That's not who I am and that's NOT what I'm about. Out of some type of misfortune (honest to God, I do not understand it happened) two sentences were copied word for word. Then "according to" my entire paper contained plagiarism all over it. I WROTE THE DANG PAPER MYSELF. I even turned it in EARLY to get it out of the way. I don't understand how it could've happened. Before I went up to her to clear things up because it said to "see me!" I had a 22/25 on the paper. That's really good considering it's 1/8 of my grade. She says, "You know, you actually deserve a 0 for this." And I said, "I didn't plagiarize! I don't do that! That's not what I do! I can even rewrite the paper and turn it in to you the next morning if you want. I honestly did not plagiarize." And so she says, "Hm...give me your paper." and I gave it to her. She crossed out my 22 and gave me an 18. My paper went from an 85% to a 72%. Ouch. But it's better than a zero that I "deserved". That really ruined my day. RUINED it.
I really need to study. I honestly think I might be failing biology (Sorry Jared if you read this). I am actually trying the best that I can and it's just harder than I thought for some reason. My lab is killing me. I wanted to get an A in the lab but I can't. I'm stuck with a B...IF THAT thanks to my "plagiarized" paper. I have a practical on Thursday that I'm scared for. I can't fail this class. If I do, it's time to say Good bye to veterinary school. There's no way I could get in at this time. How could I have failed so much? So early in the game? What's distracting me from focusing the way that I need to? I'm being tested right now. And it's a test that I'm apparently not doing so well in. I really need to go back to something and start from square one. I had this talk with my dad...I think I might end up changing majors. This might actually be something that I have to admit that I can't do. Something is wrong. Something just doesn't feel right. I need to rethink some things and lay things down on paper.
I had to deal with some drama from someone too. Honestly, it's not worth writing about, but all I have to say is: GROW THE EFF UP. You're the one who closed everything off. For you to act like a little kid who wants to ignore me and disregard the fact that I exist as a person and treat me even worse, go ahead. But don't expect me to treat you that way. Sure, I'll be the bigger person in this and deal with your little baby crap. So, grow up and start acting like an adult. You can't hide behind everything forever. Okay, I'm done. End of story. Don't comment on this. Just needed it out there.
I'm done. Too much emotion for one blog. I'm gonna sleep everything off and live tomorrow like a new day. Like what my friend Joseph said to me today: "Live life one day at a time. Don't worry about your future because you already have to deal with what's on your plate already." Words of a really great person. Peace out everyone. Time to start a new day in....7 minutes.
-- Danielle Delos Reyes