Well, I just want to thank everyone who gave me advice. I really appreciate all the words you've given me. So here's what I've been given..
- just tell him. you never know what could happen.
- sometimes getting your heartbroken is how you can learn for someone who could be better.
- heartbreak is always part of it. would you rather have those moments of happiness and end it in with your heart broken or just never try and always wonder if you DID try harder would it could end up totally different?
- if you really feel that you shouldn't say anything, then don't. you feel that you're not ready and you shouldn't force yourself to do so.
- Be friends, get to know him even better than you do now. Just continue to be there. When he's ready, he will take that step and then you can take things to another level then.
Well update on how I feel: the reason why I felt this way, I learned, is because I never knew how he felt. I never knew what his thoughts were or feelings towards me. But, after talking to someone who is close to him, I got what I wanted most. I now know how he feels about me. Let's just say it isn't reciprocated. But you know, I'm actually okay with that now. I can now get over him better because I know what I wanted to know. But it doesn't mean I can't stop being friends with him. Turns out, he knew how I was feeling and he started to already step back. Which honestly, wasn't too great of a move but it's alright. I just want to keep him in my life as my friend than anything else. The only thing I didn't like about how this all turned out is my jealousy for someone else who is now having the same amount of attention I used to have. You can see it in all things public. The part that hurts is that she even knows how I feel and it's kind of like "Why aren't you doing anything to stop it? You know how I feel about him? How could you let me down?" But question is, how can I be selfish and only think of myself? You know, here's what I've finally admitted...whatever makes you happy, will literally make me happy. I just want the best because you are the best and if I'm not the best for you, then I hope you do find that person. Time to pick up my slack and move on. Danielle, you didn't give up or continue to just keep chasing pavements...you're walking off the pavement and onto the streets in hopes of getting back onto the road. It'll be a hard time to take in everything and to get over it all especially when I'm around him BUT I'll be okay. I always end up being okay. When all hope fails, tomorrow will always be a brighter day. Thanks everyone.
-- Danielle Delos Reyes