"Lately I've had the strangest feeling..."

"With no vivid reason here to find. Yet the thought of losing you's been hanging around my mind."

How Stevie Wonder can write. How he can write exactly about how my life is. How this line has actually been hanging around my mind. How true his words are to me right now.
So lately, I've had the strangest feeling (ha) well actually I have had the strangest feeling. See, after many events have happened in the past few days, I feel so...strong. I feel like I've never been the strongest in what I think is most important to me. I've never had such a strong stand in myself in such a long time until then. Since it just happened, I feel like everything that is most important to me is even more important to me now. Like, honestly, if things didn't work out, then obviously, it wasn't for me and it wasn't for anything that would make me a better person. Like I said to many other people "If it didn't make me a better person, then it would be making me a worse person and that's not who I am." I'm not giving up something important to me to make others happy. Respect is what its all about. That's basically all I wanted to say. I just want everyone to know: After all of this, I'm a better person. I'm stronger & I've got way too many people behind my back on this one. I'm glad things happened the way they did. And I really hope the best for everything.

So since today is Ash Wednesday and since today is the start of Lent: My lenten sacrifices do not need to be announced publicly. But rather, I know that I will definitely be making myself a much better person after this Lent. However, I am doing much more to show my faith in God and not be ashamed. After going to confession, I feel like a much better person. I intend to keep it that way. Happy Lenten Season.

-- Danielle Delos Reyes