I never really realized how my family is so awesome. Like, not just my immediate family but my relatives from my dad's side and from my mom's side. It's really cool how we're all growing up and we decide to find each other on blogspot, facebook, etc. My cousins that I always thought were so much older than me, actually have a lot in common with me. Honestly, it's so awesome how much I can relate and talk to them. I love how we're closer than I think. I can only hope and wish this feud between families will end with US. Even if they're like 5-8 years older than me, we're all adults now and we can relate and connect in a way that we never could've when we were younger. How awesome! I just wanted to say, I love my family and I can't wait for family reunions in the future. It's gonna be a great one. --I'm a family oriented girl-- [:
-- Danielle Delos Reyes