Missing In Action.MAN! It's really been a while since I've really blogged about something. [Puts Pandora on RnB/Soul mix]. Better. Way to get the mood in. So lately it's been a pretty crazy life of mine. You know, while I read some other people's blogs, I feel as though only MY life has been going great so far. I mean, I feel as though everything in my life should be there. So as I'm listening to this...I feel like I should write about something...specific. Hahaha.
So here's a question that I feel should be imposed upon many of the readers of this blog:
How do you celebrate one's birthday? Do you think birthdays are just a commercial holiday and that people make them more than they really are? Is it more than just a free day inside of Disneyland or 8 free tokens at Chuck E Cheese's? Is it more than just having a party and everyone knowing that you're turning a year older? Is it more than purchasing someone a present that is worth $200 as opposed to someone who just buys things at the dollar tree and decorating the celebrant's room?

Since when were birth-days of buying expensive gifts? Since when were birth-days exposed as how rich or how popular one is by the amount of gifts one gets? Whatever happened to heartfelt messages of good luck and good health? Hahaha, I know this sounds super old-fashioned. But it's rather true. Notice, the older you get, the less a birth-day becomes important. I don't mean to say that in such a negative vibe, but is it not the truth? Once you actually turn 21, the youth of your life is basically over. Once you turn 18, you realize that you can go to jail for things that you never knew you could go to jail for. Once you turn 40, you're considered "over the hill" and you're about ready to, to put in morbid terms, die. Once you turn 25, you're considered a quarter life old. MAN! Birth-days are a crazy concept, no? I don't mean to make it sound so sad. Hahah. But actually the reason of this post is to describe the reality of HOW one can celebrate one's birthday in a heartfelt/meaningful way in which no one has to worry about the "age" in which one may turn.

So spending a million dollars on a person may seem like they're worth it. However, what's a handwritten letter & maybe a hug worth? An Ipod, Iphone, drum set, new car, etc. How much will these things make you happy? HELLA happy right?! It would make me happy, don't get me wrong. But then again, if someone wrote me a letter or did something out of the ordinary that didn't require $100 would make me smile even bigger. Sometimes people need to see the real meaning of what it means to be born. "I thank you for being born this day because without you in my life..." How beautiful. If I got a letter like that, oh man. I would feel like I really mattered to this person. Instead of material thinking (however, being human, everyone would love this.) maybe thinking about WHY this person was born in your life would be a better show to them on how much they've impacted your life. Maybe they were put in this world for a reason for you. Maybe they're someone who will save you from something. Maybe they're someone who could change your life. There is no "Chance" that someone was just born in your life for no reason. So, as the greatest birthday present, tell someone how their birth was important in your life.
So, my birthday is in 17 days. August 22. [:
-- Danielle Delos Reyes