Valentine's day is just like the picture above. GIRLS ALWAYS MAKE IT MORE THAN GUYS DO. Hahaha. Girls always make it a big deal to have a good day this day. They always want a guy to make them feel a little better than they ever have. They always make themselves prettier than usual and always wish for that little sign that someone cares about them. I've never had a Valentine before. Did you know? Hahaha. But you know, I could really care less that I've never had one. But for some reason, this year, Valentine's Day has a different reason for me. I'm celebrating being loved but by those who care about me and I care about rather than it only being a romantic commericialized holiday. Although, I have one this year (My very first. HAHAHA), it's not the top of my priority list. I know a lot of people who really find it to be a priority and it makes me sad to think that they really want to find LOVE by Valentine's day. So basically, I just wanted to say...don't worry about Valentine's day. You should have a Valentine's YEAR. Then, an "I HATE YOU" day. hahahahh!
When I was younger, I hated Valentine's day. I used to be so emo about my life and be like "Why can't a boy like me?!" (Ew, I look back now and that's just gross). But I felt bad for those people who felt worse than I did. There were some guys out there who just weren't the cutest or best looking and didn't get the attention of girls AT ALL but they were such NICE guys. They would be some of the nicest guys in school, but that's all they were to everyone else. This was all throughout high school, middle school and even elementary school. So you know those little suckers that they sell during Valentine's Day with the little messages called "Candy Grams" or what not? Well, I would always save up to buy a few. I would buy some for my friends and send it to them. But I would always save up an extra 50 cents to buy one for someone who I knew that this Valentine's Day, would never get one. So, I would send them one anonymously. When they would get it, I would just see their face light up and show all their guy friends that they got one and they tried to guess who sent it. I did this all throughout my younger school years. And to this day, I hope they still believe that someone out there thinks they are someone special. I swore that I was gonna continue this tradition to my children when I got older because I know what it was like to get my first anonymous candy gram. [:
Happy Valentine's Day.
-- Danielle Delos Reyes.