"The things that don't kill you, will make you stronger..."

You know, I'm sitting here because last night, I actually had something to write about. But after dealing with today, I feel like what I was going to write about had more than just happy feelings.

Ever wonder how much impact people's words had on you? When I was younger, I smiled when my teacher would say "good job Danielle!". However, I cried when someone would say, "You have ugly light-up shoes!". When I got to middle school, I smiled when someone told me, "You have the cutest outfit on." However, I cried when someone told me, "You don't fit in with us." When I got to high school, I smiled when boys would notice me and tell me, "Dang, you're cute." However, I cried when girls would tell me, "You're such a (insert degrading word of choice here)." When I got to college, I smiled when I would hear, "Wow, amongst all these kinds of people, you can stay a virgin." However, I cried when someone told me, "I don't want to be with you because you ARE a virgin." Ladies and gentlemen, words have the biggest impact on an person.

Sure this all sounds so elementary. But people tend to forget. People tend to just say things that are on their mind without even thinking about it. Either good or bad. Words can make or break someone. Yeah, basic statement. But it's hard to stop to think about what you have to say before you say it. Even I, myself, have a problem with it.

So how does a person stop and listen to what they have to say before they say it? I suppose it's just habit. It's a habit that we all must break. Sometimes, one needs to realize that the words that are said must be, well, kind. The Golden Rule has been forgotten. "Treat others the way you want to be treated." Kind words aren't hard to say, but are definitely hard to find from a lot of people. Even if it's someone you can't stand or aren't chill with, I think your words could be that change in a person. What does it hurt being kind to people?

You know, words can determine life or death too. Sad to say, so many people have committed suicide due to hurtful words. How can humans shoot each other down so much? However, if you are a victim of hurtful words, how do you grow out of it? How do you get it out of your head? Well, even I am still trying to get hurtful words out of my head. Just let it in one ear and go out the other. Someone once told me "The things that don't kill you, will make you stronger." Stand strong. Stay strong against the things people say. However, be kind. Kindness needs to be passed on more often.

-- Danielle Delos Reyes