I'm tired of it already. Like, especially those people who I assume to be my friends, people I look up to, people that I trust. I'm tired of having to realize that I shouldn't have trusted them in the first place. I'm tired of having to realize that all they really did was use me as a vessel to propel their own force of desire upon others. I'm tired of having to deal with people that get my hopes up for disappointment. I'm tired of learning that all the work I put into when doing things becomes just a failure at the end because I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I'm tired of getting hurt physically & emotionally. I'm tired of wondering what it would've been like if certain people didn't get in the way. I'm tired of having to disappoint people with other people's actions. I'm tired of not standing up for myself and my dignity. I'm tired of words that people say that damages other people. I'm tired of people who whine to get their way. I'm tired of being on the end of the losing side. I'm tired of not succeeding. I'm tired of always losing. I'm tired of being alone. I'm tired of people who are lazy & expect others to do things for them. I'm tired of people who don't work hard. I'm tired of people who expect something in return. I'm tired of people who don't care. I'm tired of oblivious people. I'm tired of feelings. I'm tired of romantic love. I'm tired of making wishes. I'm tired of making assumptions. I'm tired of people who put others down. I'm tired of being annoyed. I'm tired of being disappointed. I'm tired of being negative. I'm tired of hiding.
I'm just tired of it all & I'm ready to quit.
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
To Do List.
So as you can tell, I'm already slacking in school. CRAP. Trig is kicking my butt. Stats is so simple that I don't even wanna do the work for it because I already know it. Today is the first day I've stayed awake for my AVS112 class. I've only been to 1 history lecture out of like 4. EFF. I really need to start focusing. It's week 3 & I'm totally lost in trig. I'm 9.1/15 points in Stats. AVS112 is kicking my butt because of all the lectures that I don't understand about PIGS. & I don't even know what's going on in my history class. THAT'S IT. NO MORE SLACKING. NO MORE SAYING "IT'S OKAY, I'LL JUST DO IT TOMORROW BEFORE THE CLASS." Hell no. I need to learn this ish or else I'll be completely lost...like I am already.
Time for something a little more inspiring.
"Forgiveness...is more than saying sorry." - Just Friends. If any of you have seen that movie, you can already tell what part I'm thinking of. I was actually singing it as I was writing. You know, there's a lot that people don't do in the act of forgiveness. A lot of it has to do with letting go. I, myself, have a hard time with this. I say I forgive, but I never forget. Which honestly, is okay. But in order to forgive someone, you have to be able to let go. Sure this person may have hurt you before but I'm sure you'd want to be forgiven & wanted to just start over. It's hard to, I understand. But only time can heal & all I can say is, there really is all the time in the world to heal and it all depends on how special your own friendship or relationship with that person was to you and how worth it it is. Well, I've gotta learn to forgive completely. :D
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
Lenten Promises.
After reading many different people's blogs, I've realized that I have forgotten to write about what truly is most important to me to share with the rest of the world while I only share what is going on within my own world of everyday life. I concluded that I'm going to write about something inspirational every time I write a new blog. I'm going to write about something that will continue to give hope to others or better, say things that others are too scared to talk about but agree/disagree with. I'm going to continue to bring hope and light into the world with my writing and hopefully inspire others to write as others have inspired me to jot down my thoughts.
So Lent is coming to a close. 6 days to be exact which means 41 days of abstaining from my Lenten promises. But what's the real meaning of Lent? According to many of the priests that I have attended their masses have said that "Lent is a time of self-evaluation. A time to change heart. A time to look at oneself and evaluate how God will see you if and when you die." You know, that's an interesting statement. Many people give up things for Lent only to jump back onto it with excitement and eagerness of "FINALLY! I CAN DO THIS AGAIN!" Although Lent is supposed to make one grow in the spiritual aspect of life, it's also supposed to test one's self-control on material items that essentially hold back one's relationship with our Higher Being. I, myself, am one who has said this. After looking back at what I gave up, I have not fallen on 2 of the 3 things I have chosen to give up. But has this made me a better person? Well, I do one of the 3 things less (although I have broken it quite a few times). I can now learn to say no and choose to be responsible and do what's most important over what's more fun. I have been healthier in choosing what I eat. However, how has this made me a better CATHOLIC? Honestly, I'm not going to lie, it has not made me too much of a better Catholic. I have not done anything to make me a better person spiritually. I forget that Lent is supposed to also be about the spiritual side as well as physical endurance. Just because I haven't grown so much and Lent is over in 6 days, doesn't mean it's over and I'm going to stop. I'm going to continue to try to be a better person AND Catholic regardless of what I've given up, regardless of how I haven't done anything in particular to grow in my relationship with God. Lent has done what it was made to do for me...I am self-evaluated & I can truly say, I could grow a little more in every aspect of my life.
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
So Lent is coming to a close. 6 days to be exact which means 41 days of abstaining from my Lenten promises. But what's the real meaning of Lent? According to many of the priests that I have attended their masses have said that "Lent is a time of self-evaluation. A time to change heart. A time to look at oneself and evaluate how God will see you if and when you die." You know, that's an interesting statement. Many people give up things for Lent only to jump back onto it with excitement and eagerness of "FINALLY! I CAN DO THIS AGAIN!" Although Lent is supposed to make one grow in the spiritual aspect of life, it's also supposed to test one's self-control on material items that essentially hold back one's relationship with our Higher Being. I, myself, am one who has said this. After looking back at what I gave up, I have not fallen on 2 of the 3 things I have chosen to give up. But has this made me a better person? Well, I do one of the 3 things less (although I have broken it quite a few times). I can now learn to say no and choose to be responsible and do what's most important over what's more fun. I have been healthier in choosing what I eat. However, how has this made me a better CATHOLIC? Honestly, I'm not going to lie, it has not made me too much of a better Catholic. I have not done anything to make me a better person spiritually. I forget that Lent is supposed to also be about the spiritual side as well as physical endurance. Just because I haven't grown so much and Lent is over in 6 days, doesn't mean it's over and I'm going to stop. I'm going to continue to try to be a better person AND Catholic regardless of what I've given up, regardless of how I haven't done anything in particular to grow in my relationship with God. Lent has done what it was made to do for me...I am self-evaluated & I can truly say, I could grow a little more in every aspect of my life.
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
I'm INSPIRED. I am 100% completely inspired to shoot for what I can. I'm just gonna say right here. Right now. 2:47AM April 5th: I will shoot for the highest possible dream/goal I can. Nothing is going to stop me from getting what I want. [:
Short. Sweet. To the point. Inspirational.
Thanks for being the boost to my inspiration.
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
Short. Sweet. To the point. Inspirational.
Thanks for being the boost to my inspiration.
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
Happiness –noun
1. The quality or state of being happy
2. Good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy
1. Happiness is a state of mind or feeling such as contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.
1. Happiness is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
How it's true. [:
I'm happy. :D
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
Happiness –noun
1. The quality or state of being happy
2. Good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy
1. Happiness is a state of mind or feeling such as contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.
1. Happiness is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
How it's true. [:
I'm happy. :D
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
Inspiration. For some reason, I've been inspired. I've been inspired to sing (although I'm sick again and I sound HORRIBLE). I've been inspired to play all the instruments I can. I've been inspired to write. All I can say is, I have an inspiration to keep me going and keep me smiling for the next quarter and perhaps more. This inspiration has allowed me to be excited to go to school. Excited to be part of Barkada events. I have this inspiration to be assured that it's okay to be a kid inside again. I love feeling this way. I love having something to look forward to every single day. I love knowing that my inspiration will always be there regardless of anything. I'm just a happy girl again & I'm stoked about this quarter. Everything will be completely random but always in a good way. I love it! :D
PICTURE TIME! (filled with OLD and NEW pictures. Enjoy!)

-- Danielle Delos Reyes
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