Happy New Year everyone! I must say, this is a wonderful beginning to a new year. I have a feeling this year is going to be bomb diggity. Like, I have no i dea why, but I really feel like
this is my year. This is my year to start up fresh, new and, exciting. I have a whole new set of New Year's Resolutions this time. My last year's New Year's Resolutions were not all busts. Sure I didn't complete losing all the weight I wanted. Sure I didn't stop talking behind people's backs 100% (Sorry guys). BUT what I did accomplish was making someone, ANYONE smile or laugh once a day, everyday, all year. I completed that! I'm excited about that really. So here's what my New Year's Resolutions are for 2009:
1. Lose Weight

As it is for every person every year. But this year, I'm really going to try hard. I'm really not going to let myself go for college life. Hahaha. Now that I'm in college, I feel like it's time to reinvent myself. Keep the greater parts of me, grow in places where I need to, and learn about more things in my life and what better way to do all this by starting to lose weight.
2. Learn to be more outspoken/agressive. Stop being "Too nice".

So I have this habit of being too nice sometimes to where I won't be agressive for the messages I need to give out to certain people, such as my roommate. I feel like, I can't ever make up my decisions when it involves a lot of people because I'm too busy thinking about pleasing everyone else. I need to think about the well-being of myself and actually stand up for myself even BEFORE a situation so drastic comes.
3. Learn & try something new everyday.

I think that to make myself grow as a person in life, I really should learn something new everyday. Not including what is taught at school, but to learn about life & life lessons. Maybe not only that, but something new about people I'm getting to know. I want to be able to get to know my friends on a better basis. What a better way to become a better friend? [: Also, I wanna try new things that I've never done before. BUT that doesn't include things that will surpass and disrespect my morals. Hahah. New, but good.
4. Do something nice for someone less fortunate than me everyday.

Whether it'd be giving money, food, or donating a jacket, blanket, something, I'm going to take every chance I get a day to help someone who is less fortunate than I am. After this Christmas, I really learned that many people out there need all the help they can get. It's hard to admit it, but there really is a lot of people and they have to put up a facade to prove that they are well off. No need for embarrassment or anything, but HUMILITY is the key to helping the poor and this is what I really need to learn.

I know EVERYONE has a problem with this. BUT this is my year. This is where I'm going to start things at the time it's given. No stress in college when you give up procrastinating. I'm not going to be like others and say it but don't do it. THIS IS IT. No more!
6. Stop cussing!

You know, I realized that I'm such a hypocrite. I used to tell other girls that cussing looks SO unattractive to others. Especially guys. BUT here I am, going around saying "F***!" and "MotherF*****!" or calling people a "B****". I think that it really is time for me to stop cussing AGAIN and go back to just talking like a girl with class and sass. Back to the old Danielle...with a few minor adjustments. [:
Well, there you have it folks. Call me out on it if I don't do any of it. Really. So, like I said...This is my year. This is where I become someone more improved. Not a new person, but someone changed for the better. 2009, everything will be fine. [: God blesssss!
--Danielle Delos Reyes
Nice Resolutions :)
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