So, I honestly don't know what to write about for tonight. But I feel like I should. I guess I should just talk about my day, hopefully that'll bring me to something to talk about. Oh, by the way, since the accident, I've been doing better. I've been sleeping better and I have no pains. My trauma is still a little much and my paranoia is still kinda bad. But I'm Danielle. I can get through anything. Tomorrow, I drive back to Pomona. It'll be my first time driving since my accident, but it'll be okay. Okay so back to what I was going to talk about. So today, I was picked up by my parents to go home today. It's weird being picked up and not have to drive home. It was cool though. I had breakfast with our family friends and oh my goodness. I haven't had such great food in such a long time. They live so close to me too which makes me think "Why haven't I called our family friends for anything important?" Especially when I got into that car accident. Well, I guess I just didn't think. It was nice to reunite with them and talk about the newest things in our lives. When I get older, I sure hope to have friends like that. We're even planning to go on a cruise together. Considering I've never been on one, it just sounds so good to go on one. Hahah. But anywho, after, we drove back to Bakersfield. I walk into my house and there sits this BEAUTIFUL beautiful bird. It's called a Blue-winged lory. It was SO beautiful. It's the same kind of bird that eats the nectar from the cups when you go to Disney World in Florida. Oh my goodness. This bird was $700 but it's the nicest and one of the smartest birds ever. See, I'm kinda scared of birds because the first one we had was such a jerk! Hahah. I still have a scar from when it ate a piece of my hand. (Stupid bird) But this one was so nice. Well, we didn't have time so we went to Delano (Ghetto town I was born in. Believe me, you don't wanna go there for fun) for one of our family friend's birthday. He was turning 80. Oh gosh, it was hard to see him in a wheelchair but he was so happy. There were so many people there supporting him. Dude, I really hope people will care about me when I turn 80 and wanna come see and hang out with me even if I can't communicate as much as I used to. But I hung out with a few of my greatest friends and two of my very best. I miss them every time I leave Bakersfield. It's crazy. So now I'm home. You know how good it feels to just be home when you're gone for a long time? It's crazy. Anywho, this is probably the most boring blog ever but Justin Rodriguez really wanted me to write something. Apparently, he likes what I write. Sorry if this is totally boring. Hahahaha. You know I've got a really good blog to post up once Valentine's Day comes around. [:
Have a great night kids. [:
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
I love birds! But not when they poop on me, which they have a tendency to do. -_-x
EXCUSE YOU! PLEASE BE QUIET IN THE LIBRARY! ahah jk it would be danielle! =p $700 bird?!!!?? wow!!!! sorry balla!
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