I swear, I never thought I would be so excited to be home. I guess because when I'm in Pomona, I'm surrounded by drama. Surrounded by stress of schoolwork. It's just been a crazy quarter and I must say...I'M SO GLAD THAT IT'S OVER. But, it's worth it. This quarter has brought so many things up while at the same time, brought so many things down. Let's recap my entire quarter, shall we?
So, a lot of bads happened. The biggest bad of this quarter was losing my car. Yeah, getting into my car accident was definitely the worst way to start off this quarter. I'm still dealing with all my car accident stuff. Insurance dealings suck. I owe so much money to traffic school, tickets, loss of car. It's ridiculous. I swear, with everything, including my lost car, I honestly think I lost around $27,000. I have no more car to drive whenever I want. I have to take traffic school probably twice. One for the LA county and one for Bakersfield. I mean, dealing with all my car stuff was the worst of my bads. From this car accident, I had to drop out of a good role I could've had in PACN, my parents, well my mom officially HATES Barkada & I can only do ONE dance because of school & the time where I had to call my parents to show that I was "studying". I also had to deal with trying to up my failing class of biology. Drama from a lot of people's drama. Bad break-up. I mean, a lot of things happened that I can say was really bad from this quarter. I just wish that I would never have to deal with any of this ever again. At least not the car stuff. I couldn't stand to have to deal with that again. That, I can honestly say, was HELL.
However, there were tons and tons and TONS of goods that happened this quarter. First of all, I've become such GREAT friends with certain people who I now consider some of my very best friends. I've gotten super close with my ates & oh gosh, I'm so glad that I have them to watch my back. Not only that, I've lost some friends that I don't need because they only caused drama in my life and completely disregarded my trust as well. Honestly, that's good for me. I've also gained more self-respect for myself. After dealing with certain someone, I've learned that I'm very strong. Nothing can push me down for anything. I alsooooo...WENT TO SEE LMFAO/SHWAYZE with my ates! Ridiculous. I even went to DISNEYLAND and I'm getting an annual pass! BYAHHH! How exciting and how FUN. No lie, I'm so stoked to get it. Disneyland makes me so happy and I can't wait until I get to go whenever I want...Well, when people decide to go. I even bought a Nintendo DS today AAAAAAND Pokemon Platinum. I'm so nerdy BUT I'm so excited that I have it. Hahahahaha. Anywho, there's plenty of things that added to make the bads not so bad, but I have to say that the bads outweighed the goods this time. BUT that doesn't mean that it won't get better this next quarter.
Today (March 23) is my little sister's birthday. She's 13. Weird. Feels so good to be back home. Until next week. [: Pictures next time.
-- Danielle Delos Reyes