Man oh man. Spring break has been a blast. BUT, I am glad to be back surprisingly. I miss a lot of my friends back here. I miss the spontaneity of the people here. I miss my Palmitas family a lot too. Let's recap Spring Break, shall we?

DISNEYLAND. Tons and tons of Disneyland fun. Thursday. Saturday. Sunday. No lie, I'm the biggest little kid ever when I go to Disneyland. I love it there! And NO I'm not too old for Disneyland says those who think they're too old for it. Other than that...I got my Disneyland Annual Pass! BAH! So, who's down to go to Disneyland whenever?! I AMMMMMM!

Winna's Debutt butt. Wow. I saw a lot of people that I haven't seen in so long. It's been good because I really miss all my boys back home. It's good to see those I haven't even talked to in so long. I miss it all. And man! That girl looked goooood. Oh debuts. How fun are you. [:

WednesDATE. Beach! Pier! Shopping! CPK! Story swapping! Christops! How much more could you ask for? Bonding time is always great! Had way too much fun and Christops officially outdated *ahem on the Santa Monica date. Buahahaha. No shame. I said it, what now? :D

Sportsfest Friday. Awesome fun! Bowling is quite the exciting sport. No lie. Hahahahaha. Fighting with CSUN & what not....Eh! Whatever! It was still fun.
Webcamming every night with different or certain people. Traffic school (Sike, that wasn't fun). Well I mean, there wasn't A LOT of events but they were all worth while. All the people I shared it with made everything so much better. I miss everyone back home but I also miss everyone back here in my 2nd home. School is gonna be a crazy one this quarter BUT, I know I can do my best. AVS112/114L, CHM121/121L, MAT106, COM204...I got this. PaCN is coming up. Who's stoked? I sure am. Bring it on Spring Quarter. I'm ready for you. [:
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
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