Honestly, I can't remember the last time I was so happy being back home with certain people. Being with these people make me realize that there's so much that I left behind. My little babies are heading off to college this fall & they're all graduating this week. I'm sad I can't be there to see their commencement but I hope they all know that I'm so proud of them & I just wish I could be there. You know, talking to them about where they're going is making me so excited for them. Benjammin is off to UC Irvine, Lea is off to Vanguard, Joe is off to...I'm not sure, I haven't talked to him (HAHAHA), Winna is off to somewhere, Conrad is off to UC Irvine. I'm going to miss my little babies! However, I'll be seeing Ben & Conrad often, I feel it. Hahah. It's going to be great having one of my favorite friends going to school near me.

Ben, I swear, that kid has so much ahead of him. He's such a good guy & I swear, if I hear some girl is breaking his heart, she's in for a big surprise from me. Bahaha, protective I am. So smart, so driven, so funny, so sweet. NO LIE, one of the nicest guys I've ever met in my entire life. DON'T EVEN DARE TO MESS WITH HIM. And my little Lea. On the real, she's like my little sister. I really hope for the best for her in whatever she wants for herself. She's so smart, talented, and awesome. I can't wait to hear her stories from her first year of college when we all start again in the fall. MAN. I feel so old. HAHAHA! I can't wait for the rest of our lives. I'm just so proud of them. *SIGH*

Memorial weekend. All I can say, it's more like a MEMORABLE weekend for me. Just some great moments which made me remember why I love my friends from back home AND why I had feelings for certain people. PRRRRRRRRRRRRT! ;D

I've missed my family being all together. Just like my dog missed hers. [:

Oh Summer. I can't wait for you to come.

As much as I love being at school, I love having the feeling of being wanted back home. I don't have to try to fake being friends with anyone here. AND I don't have to worry about impressing people or feel unwanted around people. It's a sweet life back home. [:
-- Danielle Delos Reyes
hahahaha. awee. Well, knowing me, I will have tons of stories for you. Just pray I won't get too busy.
oh anddd. I forgot to show you the scenic view that Ben and I found. I guess next time if we ever go back there. XDDD
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