"I put on a brave face everytime I see you when you're with her" - Melissa Polinar "Braveface"
You know, every girl wants to be well-liked. Every girl wants to feel that special someone next to them. What girl doesn't want her hand to be held or that everlasting hug that everyone is envious of? So why do we us girls always question ourselves of why we're not good enough for someone? It's an interesting life we all have. Girls are competitive. Each and every single girl wants to be better than another. Especially if it's a girl who is getting attention by someone we admire most. But how can one be able to say, "You know what, I'm better than this. I don't need a man." Where do we women feel that confidence to say this? I don't think men understand what women go through every time they see us. Every girl looks into the mirror at one point and says, "I'm not good enough." Every girl at one point writes down all the things that are wrong with her. Every single girl questions herself and her own self identity. But why? Why do we girls do things like that? Why do we all put ourselves down? It's because we are insecure. We don't trust ourselves to be beautiful. We don't allow ourselves to believe that we are something special because of a few rejections here and there. But you know what? God doesn't make ugly. We all have to believe is that we are all special and we are all different. We can't compare ourselves to girls in Cosmo, Vogue, or even our very own friends. We have to know and believe that we all have different talents and we are all beautiful in different ways. Every time we see that guy with that girl, we wonder "What's she got that I don't?" You know, it could be a lot of things, then again, it could be nothing. But why isn't he talking to you? I don't have an exact answer for that. Maybe it's not your time to be noticed. Maybe he's not the one you're destined to be with. Maybe he's just not for you. Maybe the timing is all wrong. Either way, you can't let yourself believe that it's all YOUR fault. Sometimes, things are just out of hand and you have to keep going with your head up knowing that you are someone who deserves someone who can keep up with what you believe, what you enjoy and what you love. Maybe you'll find someone who isn't your other half, but rather someone who can complement you rather than complete. Don't shoot yourself down for being shot down. Live it, learn it, love it. Getting over something is hard but not learning from it is harder. Never question that you're not worth something for someone. If you have to ask yourself if you're good enough for someone, then you don't belong in a relationship yet. Before you can be in one, you have to love yourself first. No one can love you in place of loving yourself. Remember that regardless of how ugly, how fat , how untalented, how unworthy you think you are, you are BEAUTIFUL in someone's eyes. Where is this person now? It's up to you to wait, believe, and trust that this person is waiting for you, just like you're waiting for him. In time, when you can love yourself, you can love someone else. When you can say that you're beautiful because you are who you are, you can bounce back into the dating game. But for now, allow yourself to love YOU. You deserve it. And trust, you're not the only one who loves you for you every single day.
Lover. Fighter. 2nd year @ CPP. Faithful. Partier. Dancer. Singer. Guitarist. Pianist. Sister. Best friend. Volleyball player. Football player. Basketball watcher. Your new best friend.
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