Walk for Life 2009. San Francisco, California. Started off at 4AM in the morning riding the bus at St. Francis Parish at first felt like it wasn't worth it. Especially when I came back from Pomona late at night and slept late. BUT in reality, it was totally worth it. Knowing that I'm standing up for the rights of those who can't stand up for themselves. I don't know if you're against abortion, but I know I am. This blog is definitely about the support I have for them and what I stood for this weekend. 35,000 people were there standing up for those unborn in San Francisco. There were no more than 100 protesters who were for abortion. What I don't understand are the people who are FOR abortion. The majority of those who were against it, were women who have never had a child before. Also, there were a lot of protesters that were gay men. Honestly, why would gay men have a reason to be behind abortion. They don't have a reason to be. No hate on gays, it's just interesting about how they could be behind abortion. People were yelling at me saying "You don't even know why you're walking!" Well, my response to this was "You don't even know why you're standing and yelling." People have the nerve to just say "F*** Christianity" How could you? I don't understand how people can undermine and disrespect others. No one is disrespecting people who are FOR abortion. We simply are against it and we stand for these poor babies that cannot speak for themselves. God has said "Thou shalt not kill." It's just the way it's supposed to be. I just wanted to speak out for that. I really hope and pray that abortion will end. Regardless of whether you're a Christian or not, abortion is bad and you should really take a stand on it all. Well, I just don't want to make things sound like I'm persecuting anyone so I just want everyone to know where I stand and what I experienced this weekend. Picture time:

-- Danielle Delos Reyes
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