Sunday: BAD DAY. Came back to Pomona from home and right when I get onto the freeway...AWESOME. Police sirens go off. I pull over and he goes " I had to stop you for going 86 on a 70 zone." I was like "I'm so sorry. I'm just trying to get back to school right now." And he says, "It's okay, let me see your license, registration and insurance" So I dig out my license and my insurance while at the same time, I had to keep my radar hidden or else I could get arrested. I found my license and my insurance and I go "I'm so sorry sir, but I've never been pulled over and I don't know what my registration looks like" And he tells me "It's alright, I'll help you find it." And so, I was looking through all these papers and we find it. He leaves and is gone for a super long time. I already knew, he wouldn't give me a warning. FML. So he comes back and gives me back everything and he makes me sign the ticket. FML even more. So I called my parents, made myself feel bad, and everything else. Awesome. So now, I'm waiting for the ticket to come to my dorm so I know when to go to court. Sucks. So, no more speed racing for me. *sigh*.
Monday - BAD DAY/OKAY DAY. Soooo, SOMEONE was acting super weird and it was buggin'. So it was way wack and way weird. Had PaCN audtions and it was SO much fun. Tried out for a lead role and I'm kinda scared about it, but I'm excited. I really hope I did as well as I think I did. YEE. The part I tried out for was just way too fun too. And it was something I can totally characterize up. PaCN is so awesome, I really hope I get to be a part of it this year for the first time. And, that's about all that happened. Monday was a lame but okay day.
Tuesday - BAD DAY to GREAT NIGHT. After someone was acting so weird, we get to an awkward argument. After him coming over to talk about it...turns out, I find out everything I wanted to do and become a better part of his life. You can guess. I won't say on here. Hahaha. First in almost 2 years. And I must say, this feeling is a great feeling. I've really grown during those times of being completely single and I'm using these lessons I've learned. Everything is great and I'm just super happy. He and I are really happy and I don't know! It's just great. [: The 27th. A new date to add on the important list on my calendar.
Wednesday - GOOD DAY. First day of being half of a relationship. Hahaha. Ew. Just kidding. It's a new feeling. And I'm on my best behavior. Seeee, I can be great. Ain't no thang. Watched the Barkada Basketball Intramurals game and cheered on my other half of a relationship. He's so freaking good. What the. And it was cute, I tried to make a shot and I heard "There goes my girl." Eeeee. SHUTUP! I'm not smiling on the inside. Hahahaha. This day was a great day, other than the studying the whole day part. But great day anyway.
Thursday - GOOD DAY. Barkada meeting, great as always. Seeing him, great as always. Hung out with people, great as always. Today is just a good day so far. It's not over yet, but I have a feeling today is just gonna end being a great day.
This Saturday is SCPASA Summit. Woo! I'm so stoked, I can't wait to go. Spend a day with Barkada and a ton of friends that I know from UCI. Then, PARTY IT UP that night! Wooo! *siiigh* Awesomeeeeee! Okay, time to stay in class. Pictures will be up when I get back to my dorm. [:
OH By the way, my weekends are completely packed. Let's hang out on the open dates, yes?
31st - SCPASA @ UCR
Feburary -
7th - Brittany's Miss Placenta, I mean Placentia pagent.
14th - Valentine's Day. [:
21st - OPEN
28th - OPEN
7th - OPEN
14th - OPEN
21st - Sportsfest XX @ CPP
23-27th - Spring break in NORCAL (Hopefully)
28th - Lizelle's Birthday Weekend
You got a ticket?? aww. did it not show up on the radar?? or what?
AND!!!! You two ARE together!! You freakin liars!! I KNEW IT!!! Congrats :D
bahahhaa cheesy happy. grosssssss. :] happy for you!
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