RIP Magnaton.


So, SCPASA summit was great. It was one of the most fun I've had in a while. I miss it all and everything. But there is a not so great story to this. After VIBE, the after party, Justin and I decided to go home instead of partying and hanging out with everyone else at Leah's house. Justin drove the first half and was starting to feel really sleepy. So he pulled over and I decided to drive the rest because I was feeling more awake. He fell asleep. It was an easy drive back and I was almost home. I exited Diamond Bar Blvd and kept driving. At this point, it's 1:30am. Until suddenly, I found myself with my windshield cracked and on top of the media. I found myself on the other side of the median. For a split second, I found some type of consciousness and moved myself back onto my side of the road while at the same time, I hit another tree. I pushed the breaks, set the car to park and sat there dumbfounded at what I saw and felt. I looked at my windshield and couldn't believe that it was cracked. I was so scared, I looked over and checked to see if Justin was okay...thank God, he was still awake and talking. The first thing he asked me was "Are you okay Danielle?!" I was like "I'm okay. Oh my God. I can't believe this happened. Oh my God." At the same time, I looked down and I was bleeding. My right leg was shining in the light with blood dripping down. I had glass in it. My right arm had a gash in it with a sparkle. I had glass in my arm. I got out of the car easily and Justin got of the car easily. I looked at Justin and asked him if he was okay. Lucky for him, NOTHING was on him. No gashes or scratches on him. Which made me calmer. Right then, two ladies said "I've already called the cops. You'll be fine. Is everything okay? Anything broken? Anyone else in the car?" I answered "No" and I asked what time it was. The ladies said that it was about 2am in the morning. My leg was burning and the cops, firefighters and ambulence came. They made me wash everything out but they couldn't get the glass out. The ladies offered to take me to the hospital which I ended up doing after the cops wrote up the report and my car was towed away. While I was talking to the cops, Justin took pictures of the entire car. The pictures still scare me to this day and I still can't sleep fully without waking up or dreaming about the crash. I went to the hospital at 4am and didn't go in until 6:30am. Justin and those two ladies stayed the whole time. The ladies left once my dad and my brother came. I got my leg washed up and all the glass was out. It was crazy how much glass there was. After everything else, my dad, kuya, me and Justin went to breakfast and things just seemed better. My dad made me feel so much better and I was just glad to be in a bed again. I totally knocked out for that day.

My life flashed before my eyes and I still can't believe to this day that I am still alive. These pictures make it seem like I died. I was a miracle story for the hospital and it was crazy. I'm so blessed to know that God wants me to live today. I value my life so much more and all I can do is thank God everyday for giving me a second chance to live today. I'm traumatized to drive or ride in a car but I'm Danielle. I can get through anything. As for a ride, I'm walking for now. But going somewhere far, that's not too much of an option for me right now. I hope I get over this as much as I can. All I ask is that people continue to pray for me. I still have to deal with my mom's angry and worried self, but I can understand. RIP Magnaton. You will be missed and you were a great car. Everyone drive safely. Please please please. Value your life everyone, you never know when you'll lose it.

-- Danielle Delos Reyes